Innovage Jumbo Remote Control with Window Box

Innovage Jumbo Remote Control with Window Box

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Remote operate 2.0 - The Next Generation Tv Remote operate Will operate Your Home


Are you ready for a big change? Are you ready for the remote controlled home?

There is a new generation of remote controls about to invade your home.

Television Remote

Instead of using decades old "point and shoot" infrared beams to furnish a connection in the middle of the remote and the gadget being controlled, the new generation of remote controls are using Rf or Radio frequency. unmistakably to be more precise, they will be using what is known as ZigBee Rf4Ce.. Similar to Wi-Fi, it provides many of the same Wireless networking capabilities with much less Power requirements.

Remote operate 2.0 - The Next Generation Tv Remote operate Will operate Your Home
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Keywords: Tags

The Rf4Ce club (Radio Frequency For buyer Electronics) was formed by four of the top buyer electronics manufacturers in the world - Panasonic, Philips, Samsung and Sony. In 2009, the Rf4Ce group was adopted by the ZigBee Alliance and the new ZigBee Rf4Ce was inaugurated.

The ZigBee Alliance has fine-tuned the ZigBee Rf4Ce acceptable to transform it into more of a total home media experience. In expanding to controlling all the home's media equipments such as Tvs, stereos, Dvrs, Dvd players, etc., this now includes a Smart automated home theater experience.

When you insert a Dvd disk into the player, the player then talks to the entire home via Wireless connections. The Tv automatically switches to the Dvd input mode, the remote switches to Dvd control mode, the room Lights would dim and the curtains would close. You are ready to Watch your beloved Dvd.

In expanding to being smart, the new ZigBee Rf4Ce remote control can function as the "home mobile dashboard" - connecting home entertainment, automation, security, Hvac, Power use control and management, health monitoring, etc.

By using the ultra low Power 802.15.4 Wireless technology, a wide range of low data rate devices and sensors can either directly or indirectly talk to and be managed by the remote control. The cable companies and aid providers would like to see their set top boxes - managed by the remote control - become the centerpiece of the new smart home with all the homes systems flowing straight through it. The Home mobile Dashboard then monitors and controls all the systems via the set top box. Someone else advantage of using the set top box as the central base station is its internet connection to the cloud which enables the home owner to remotely access and control the home's systems via any mobile gadget along with cell phones.

New Features and Capabilities

The new ZigBee Rf4Ce remote control also delivers a range of appealing new functions and capabilities. As it is using an ultra low power wireless network, its power draw is roughly negligible which makes the gadget essentially maintenance free.

By using ZigBee Rf4Ce it is inherent to build remote controls that never need to have their Batteries changed or reCharged.

Aside from the unavoidable great allowance in Batteries and their load of heavy metals and toxic chemicals, this means that manufacturers are ultimately freed from the need to consist of Battery compartments with Battery lids.

Most people, especially those with Kids, have had the caress of broken Battery lids which means wrapping the remote with rubber bands or duct tape. Even more appealing for the manufacturers, without the need to adapt batteries and Battery compartments, is the potential to create remote controls in appealing new form factors and shapes.

No more aim and shoot

As ZigBee Rf4Ce is a Radio technology, it transmits straight through walls, furniture, people, etc. You no longer have to carefully aim your infrared (Ir) remote at a tiny target on the front of your Dvr or Tv set. ZigBee Rf4Ce remote controls can manage your entertainment and home systems from anywhere in the home.

This enables homeowners to hide away their control boxes. No longer does the set top box or Dvr have to be out in the open, ready for control. These boxes can now be hidden away in cabinets, in shelves or even in the attic!

Interactive - ZigBee Rf4Ce Remotes furnish Two Way Communication

Maybe the most appealing potential of ZigBee Rf4Ce remote controls is their interactive features. This can consist of a small display on the remote that let you see what corollary you are having on your Tv set or Dvr. You no longer have to Watch your Tv screen to see what station you are tuning into, what shows you are programming to record. All that info can be ready on your remote's display. By using low resolution still image grabs transmitted to your remote control, you could see who is ringing the buzzer at your front door without getting out of your easy chair.

Your home's climate control settings, power management, and indicators for windows and doors - are they locked or unlocked? Is man walking around outside? Is man tampering with an upstairs window? All of these safety sensors could be accessed via the remote control's display. By using ZigBee's Rf4Ce's interactive capability, you could even remotely lock the unsecured windows. And as this is an ultra low power network with minimal vigor draw, homeowners won't have to turn the batteries on these remote safety sensors every year.

Home vigor supervision is an appealing new development. Dream being able to view your home's vigor consumption on a single graph and then remotely turn on and off the varied appliances. Turn off the Ac upstairs and Watch the home power consumption decrease. Turn on the face Lighting ideas and Watch the power consumption tick upwards. It could be fun to be green.

Other cool interactive features consist of "find me" and push messaging. Have you ever lost your remote control? Press the new Find Me button on the Tv set or settop box, and your "lost" remote can start buzzing, flashing or playing your beloved song, production it easy to find. Push messaging enables your Tv and entertainment ideas to talk to you - to send you alerts that your beloved sporting event is about to begin or that your bid on the Tv shopping channel was accepted. Your appliances could talk to you as well. You are out of beer and you need to go shopping. The load of clothes in the dryer is done and needs to be folded!

In 2011, the first ZigBee Rf4Ce powered remote controls and Tv sets will be hitting the market. At first, they won't highLight the full highLight set but within a short time, it will be inherent to control your entertainment system, your home and maybe your world, from the remote in your hand.

It is no longer "just" a remote control.

Remote operate 2.0 - The Next Generation Tv Remote operate Will operate Your Home

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