We've all been told that Watching Tv in the dark is bad for our eyes, right? However, the truth is this old wive's tale has no scientific basis. The eye is more than capable of dealing with varying degrees of Light intensity. The retina contains both rod cells, which are responsible for night (monochromatic) vision, and cone cells which are responsible for color (trichromatic) foresight in illuminated areas.
Because we have a compound of these two types of Light receptors that work simultaneously we are able to truly view an illuminated color television surrounded by darkness. An illuminated television is essentially just a color light source so viewing it in the dark is obviously not difficult for the eye.
Television Remote
The myth that Watching television in the dark is bad for your eyes most likely originated from the fact that reading in low light truly is bad for your eyes. Reading in poor lighting causes the eyes to strain in order to differentiate the text from the background. Rods cells (night foresight cells) are not very good at development out fine detail causing added eye strain.
So watching Tv in the dark is not bad for your eyes. In fact, in some ways it is easier for the eye to view a television in the dark. First the dark background acts to growth the unlikeness between the television and the background development it easier for the eye. Secondly, by having the Lights off you eliminate any glare on the television screen which acts to strain the eye. Finally, by watching Tv in a dark background it allows the eyes and brain to ignore all of the surrounding optic distractions so you can focus more on what you are watching.
Movie theaters all the time play movies in the dark because it allows the viewer to more truly immerse themselves in the movie. Can you fantasize going to a movie cinema and watching a movie with attractive Lights turned on the whole time? Obviously, if viewing movies in the dark damaged the eyes the popularity of cinemas would have faded long ago and we'd all probably have headaches after leaving the movie theater.
Remember though that continued viewing of a singular object can cause eye strain which can damage the eye. Focusing on a fixed point for long periods of time, whether dark or light, can be damaging. This is especially bad when viewing objects up close for long periods, such as when viewing a computer monitor. It's all the time a good idea when focusing on something up close for long periods to occasionally look away and focus on something in the distance. This will help to keep the eye muscles salutary and sell out strain. Also all the time take frequent breaks when working on a computer. Finally, watching television too close is also a strain on the eyes because of the high light intensity so its best to set back at least 5 feet.
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